The young author not only has a passion for writing, but is also an art enthusiast. From a very young age, she began to visit cities and enjoy exploring every nook and cranny hand in hand with her parents. Despite his young age, she never got bored visiting museums, on the contrary, she enjoyed learning. When she became a teenager, her camera was in charge of immortalizing her tourist visits.

The young woman is also a theater enthusiast. Since she was little, she attended theatrical shows with her parents when they visited Madrid. She enjoyed each play. In addition, the fact that she was born in the cradle of dramaturgy, Mérida, gave her the opportunity to enjoy the classic plays performed at the Roman Theater every summer. She became a fan and attends as many as she can every year.

"I have always felt a certain curiosity and admiration for that close relationship that unites cinema with literature. In fact, in my degree I could not avoid studying an elective related to the subject ".
A literary curiosity: at the age of fifteen she became a fan of the writer Dan Brown and collected all his books as fast as she could.

It is also worth noting her early love for Egyptian culture. Since she was nine years old, every time she found an encyclopedia on Egypt, she had to buy it. She was fascinated by getting lost among the pages and discovering the enigmatic secrets of the ancient civilization.

"I think the theater has a magical undertone and the fact that the audience can connect directly with the actors makes this a unique show."
Another passion of the author is cinema. She always finds time to watch a movie. She loves to draw conclusions from what she sees, she is not usually left alone in mere entertainment. She thinks it's a nice way to tell stories in a more visual way.
Finally, music is another passion of the young woman. She loves to dance from a very young age. Not a day goes by that she doesn't listen to music at least once. She likes always take music with her anywhere. It helps her relax and sometimes even inspire her.